DDD Europe 2022 - Program

From ToDo List to Life Operating System


Marco Heimeshoff

Marco Heimeshoff

(This is a hands-on lab with limited capacity)

Simple ToDo apps are an often used and seldomly fitting example for Domain-Driven Design. Until you apply deep exploration, contextual language and built in evolutionary feedback loops, that is.

This is my personal journey of managing my life, starting from a simple ToDo list using sticky notes on my wall to a semi-automated Life Operating System built with the help of Notion, Integromat and Miro. Inspired by alignement tools and methods like "Personal Kanban", "V2MOM", "Getting Things done" and a constant development of my ubiquituos language, I am:

  • aligning actions with aspirations
  • taking care of life's foundations
  • manage freelancing assignements
  • change habbits through routines

As with all great models, the devil is in the details and the details are highly contextual. Join me and explore the process and language that can lead you to building your own individual Life Operating System. Your story is your own, you should write it yourself!

About Marco Heimeshoff

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Marco Heimeshoff is a trainer, speaker and software developer from Germany. He organizes KanDDDinsky, a conference about Domain-driven Design and the art of business software and co-founded the german DDD community in 2013 and VirtualDDD.com in 2019. Between consulting companies around the globe and his day job in building health care software, you'll find him speaking at conferences about DDD, socio-technical systems and first principles. With over a decade of experience, he is helping teams to change and learn in all things from code to culture and to master Domain-Driven Design, agile software development, functional programming and CQRS with event sourcing.