DDD Europe 2022 - Program

Naming in DDD


Sepehr Namdar and Khaled Souf

Sepehr NamdarKhaled Souf

Naming is one of the hardest things to do when coding. It helps us to make the code more readable and comprehensible. When you try to make code readable there are some existing rules but are they compatible with DDD ?

DDD and Naming share a common goal of helping communication between team members. In this Lighting Talk we will explain some concepts like Supple Design and Naming as a Process (@arlobelshee) to achieve this goal.

Hands-on prerequisites

configure JDK + IDE + install repo Ask participants to install this GitHub repository : https://github.com/SepehrNamdar/DDDEU22_Let-Me-Be-Free

About Sepehr Namdar

Technology agnostic developer, DDD Iran organiser and DDD TeacherTwitterLinkedInBlogCompany Website

Interested in Agile practices, Craft and Architecture and having had the opportunity to work in various development teams, I acquired the knowledge on all phases of software development. I believe that the sucess of a product (i.e. software) does not depend on technologies that we use but a good understanding of business needs and on the methodologies applied during its development.

About Khaled Souf

Zenika Montréal, Crafting Software Coach & Software Gardener,TwitterLinkedInBlogCompany Website

Khaled is a passionate Globe-trotter developer from Tunisia. He lived in Paris where he took part in the French and European software crafters community. He currently lives in Montréal in Canada and the co-organizer of Software Crafters Montréal meetup and the SOCRATES Canada unconference. He likes to speak about crafting software, clean code, Domain Driven Deisgn, eXtreme Programming and DevOps practices.