DDD Europe 2022 - Program

The One Question To Haunt Everyone: What is a DDD Aggregate?


Thomas Ploch

Thomas Ploch

There is one question that I am getting asked at almost every conference or meetup: What is and what isn't an Aggregate? How do we design an Aggregate? To be honest, it's not an easy answer, even for experienced practitioners.

In this session I am summarizing the current state of affairs regarding Aggregate design in the Domain-Driven Design community.

About Thomas Ploch

Infinite State Machine @ FlixBusTwitterLinkedInBlog

I am Thomas, and I design systems for people and computers for fun and profit!

My career has navigated me through various industries like Finance & Insurance, Medical, Automotive and Travel. I have been wearing many differently shaped hats over the last 15 years. From System Administration, Test Automation, Web Development, Software Architecture & Design, Product Design & Organisation Design, I can draw on a bit of experience that currently helps me every day as a Principal Solutions Architect FlixBus.

The biggest realization over the last few years is that the most important component of success is not running the latest distributed architecture in the cloud, but to enable people to work smart to manifest their ideas in helpful products. I want to share my experiences and hope that you can take away a bit of knowledge that can help you later.

It is impossible to design useful software without understanding the underlying forces driven by market conditions, competitors, business strategy and the actual people using or building the software. Hence, I firmly believe that a wider definition of system design is required to achieve an adaptive and evolvable environment of people, processes and technology that can react to changing conditions in our fast paced digital world.